Straight Outta Kenya: The Story of How One Man Named Obama Destroyed Christian America

America is now about to witness the power of Liberal Darkness. [adinserter block=”3″]Straight outta Kenya, crazy ‘president’ named Obama who, gives all his speeches with ‘Uhhh, uhh’ platitudes, When he’s pissed off, your rights are striked off, Unleashes Jade Helm and Americans are hauled off, Down in Texas puttin’ gay...

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Obama Floods Colorado’s Animas River with Homosexual Chemtrail Orange

As if it weren’t already bad enough the state is full of marijuana addicts, Colorado is the latest victim of an attack by Obama’s homosexual chemtrails. [adinserter block=”1″] In the image media, we can see Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has flooded the Colorado Animas River and thus their drinking...

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10,000 Republicans Call for “Bimbo” Megyn Kelly To Be Fired From Fox News After Snubbing Donald Trump

The 2016 Presidential debates hosted by Fox News featured a surprise as the three Fox News ‘moderators’, lead by Megyn Kelly, attempted to smear and discredit leading GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. All throughout the debate, Megyn Kelly tried to paint Trump as a misogynistic idiot, to which Trump gave a...

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